Monthly Archives: January 2012

~ Year Of the Dragon: Free Chinese Astrological Reading~


January 23rd marked the beginning of the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Dragon. For those in the East, the Dragon is a strong and very positive symbol of power and good luck. Dragon energy brings growth and change, extravagance and unpredictability. This is an auspicious year for those who are looking to start a new venture or begin a new project, such as getting married, having a baby, or starting a business. So, when you think about your goals for the year, don’t hold back! This is the perfect time to explore new frontiers in love, career and life. Discover more about what the Year of Dragon will bring you, Just click on your Chinese astrology animal below. If you aren’t sure about your Chinese astrology sign, locate your birth year and then click on the animal associated it.

Happy Year of the Dragon!

1912, 1924. 1936. 1948. 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
1914, 1926, 1938. 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1065, 1977, 1989, 2001
1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002
1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003
1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004
1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005
1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006
1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

1912, 1924. 1936. 1948. 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008


This year of 2012 may disturb your plans, only to better enrich them. Despite the fact that it will cause you some inconvenience, you will not get bored, and most importantly, you will have the opportunity to look at things that until now, seemed impossible and out of reach. Take the opportunity to move ahead.


Your love life will be lighter and more fun than last year. You will be able to express your true emotions. You will live and enjoy some intense moments that will directly affect your heart. You will finally realize that, with more optimism and faith in yourself, your dreams are within reach. If you are single right now, this year will determine what to sweep away with the past and how to find a new beginning. Whatever your situation, get ready to dive fully into the world of feelings.


You will start 2012 with a need for financial security. This year, money represents trust in yourself more than usual, and this will manifest in your close relationships. As a result, your love life will be intimately related to your finances.

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1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009


This year, you will deepen your understanding of yourself and this new awareness will have a close relationship to your core values and your emotional life. Many of you would like to retire to an ivory tower because you feel your relationships are too superficial. It is time to take stock without losing sight of your true values.


You will find more inner serenity than last year. You will now view your partner more easily as a friend, a confidant, and the person most suitable to understand you. Do not hesitate to say things that might appear ridiculous. Talk without putting value judgments on what you feel. If you are single this year, you will experience nine months of positive opportunities to meet a partner who is both exciting and a good candidate for a long-term relationship. Don’t stay in your shell!


This year you are going to focus on working constructively. Indeed, the influence of the Sun and Mercury will shine on your financial life. In other words, you will be on a roll this year with a steady cash flow, interesting contacts, and exciting purchases. Good luck is by your side and new knowledge will lead you straight to success. Go for it!

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1914, 1926, 1938. 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010


There appears to be a lot going on in your celestial chart for 2012. Indeed, Jupiter’s oppositions, together with the Big Dipper, will galvanize your life by providing new situations and sudden realizations that involve significant changes in all areas of your life. Don’t rush into things too fast or too soon without thinking them through properly.


You will put a lot of fuss in perspective this year. Your normally excessive nature will awaken a smoldering passion that will appear without warning. If you are single, dive into the joys of love headfirst! Those of you who are part of a couple will experience transformation and renewal. It’s time to show your desires without feeling guilty. Remember that you cannot deny your true nature, even at the expense of ensuring stability in your relationship.


Pure luck will allow you to intervene and remove a potential financial concern linked to the home between October 11th and 16th. During this same period, claim the money due to you! Also, heal your relationships and be receptive to tips for a positive financial life from those close to you.

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1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011


Your celestial chart gives you more freedom this year than last year. Indeed, you will have the chance to reconnect with your projects, ambitions and aspirations. You will have more leeway to contact the right people to support you and to achieve something important. Take advantage of the free time you have in abundance this year in order to improve your plans for the future


You will easily surf the wave of love this year. After the great changes you have already made, you will find the love you desire. You will have many opportunities to exercise your powers of seduction. If you’re in a couple now, your partner will help you understand more about yourself, thereby opening the relationship to new ideas. This path is positive and you will find more fun in your relationship.


Your finances are favored this year, which is a sign of a greater harmony in your life. Indeed, you will naturally put a brake on overspending. Don’t linger in front of store windows. Knowing your faults, you must keep in mind that you must stay focused on your primary objectives related to your home life. However, if you are in the arts, spending will be essential. Consider it rather as an investment!

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1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012


You will spontaneously alter the course of your life this year. Indeed, take stock of your legendary power. Your basic personality traits are back in force and you will be unwilling to compromise when it comes to things that you consider questionable. Jupiter will leave your sign and this will reinforce your thirst for independence and for transforming your life. People around you will seem more manageable and if you pull the right strings, you will change situations to your advantage!


Your emotional life will thrive this year. You must tune into the language of the heart. This year you will experience more freedom of expression and, consequently, you will attract more peace into your life. You can learn more about yourself by getting closer to your core values. What do you consider essential? Once you relax when it comes to your relationships, you will leave more room for an exchange of ideas. If you were waiting for a specific outcome, things will become clear by mid-year.


You will have many strokes of good luck this year financially. The fact that you will also have a greater need for stability means that you will plan your spending and reorganize your finances to suit your priorities. If last year you gave in to impulse buying, now you will rectify that error and even give up some pleasures in order to balance your finances.

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1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001


It’s time to launch some long-term projects. You will finally dare to put your ideals into practice. New opportunities and new paths will present themselves to you. Reverse your conventional wisdom and move forward spontaneously. External circumstances will expand your horizons, so open your eyes to new possibilities. You will have good reason to renew your sense of optimism!


Your love life this year will generate moments that are both tender and passionate. However, do not make major decisions that are binding in the long run. Instead, aim for strengthening and deepening your relationship. You are becoming less possessive and more confident. Expect invitations in the last three months of the year. As love mixes with friendship, you will have the opportunity to improve your relationship with your partner. If you are single, you will meet someone through friends.


You have to address immediate issues regarding your finances. Be ready for a lack of time to do this. After this period, you will feel more serene about how to manage your money and your priorities. Do not give into impulse spending for everything related to your home because you will have to pay more than necessary.

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1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002


Your efforts are paying off and this will motivate you to continue on the path you began last year. You must act on your dreams. The stubbornness that you show will allow you to break down resistance in all areas. However, think before you rush into something. Your energy is contagious!


Passion and glamour will enter your life this year. Many of you will start a new beginning. Chasing illusions will become easier, as you put common sense, logic and truth above all. Your partner will confide more easily than last year, which will allow you to learn more about what you don’t understand. You are eager to get into romantic complications that ultimately will waste your time and not make you happier.


Your finances will follow a relatively smooth course this year. There is no rollercoaster in sight and this calmness allows you some flexibility when it comes to any projects you may have that are related to money. You will more easily use your money in a constructive fashion, or in the direction of putting it into savings. Prepare for projects this winter that will become your highest priorities.

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1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003


The stars are definitely with you this year. The changes you began last year are likely to continue in the right direction, and they are rooted deeply into the reality of your life. You will benefit from many aspects that will increase your creativity and your energy. Changes in the positions of the planets will bring you an insight that will allow you to chase mirages…and help build your dreams! In all areas, you will have the kind of momentum that is indispensable to the pursuit of your ideals.


Prepare yourself for storms of passion this year. Indeed, you are at a point in your love life in which you desire to see perfectly clearly, even in what relates to your past. You will turn an important page, but what is coming is much more promising. Your seductive ability will skyrocket, and your friends and your partner will surprise you with their willingness to communicate and to get closer to you. When it comes to your emotional life, you will be clearer about the long-term future.


Your financial life will experience positive improvements this year. Especially if you are looking to enhance your lifestyle, you will have real opportunities for success. Many of you will engage in a financial transaction that will be important to a complete change in lifestyle. Pay attention, success is just around the corner!

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1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004


You will make major strides this year. Planetary realignments will give you plenty of energy. Stability is good, but don’t let it prevent you from considering your ambitions. Despite moments of doubt about your abilities, you will advance to greater confidence in yourself and in your actions. Your suspicions are sometimes completely misplaced.


Throw yourself wholeheartedly into your love life this year. Indeed, you will learn to love better than before because you will know precisely how to behave in front of a partner or the person you want to win. The changes you have in place are beginning to bear fruit. The general climate looks smooth in the first three months. You will have more internal resources to strengthen your relationship with your partner.


The financial questions you have will seem lighter to carry than they did last year. Indeed, you will encounter circumstances that seem straightforward, which will push you to simplify your current situation. Always anticipate the consequences. Don’t run out of patience when it comes to developing a schedule and planning long-term costs. As misunderstandings are not uncommon in the planetary configuration in which you are, do not trust blindly in the financial intermediaries with whom you may be dealing.

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1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005


Major changes are afoot this year in all areas of your life. This shift is likely to produce bursts of impatience. Waiting for the proper time to act isn’t easy! Aspects of Jupiter aligned with Mars will trigger an unusual creativity, which will change your daily life. It’s time to dare!


You will adjust to an emotional life that is full of contrasts this year. What you feel might not be completely true or based on reality. If you are in a relationship right now, your partner may seem more difficult to please. This is because your partner is more focused on practical considerations. Don’t look for trouble!


Financial issues this year will be connected to all other areas of your life. Your generosity comes with deeper insight into how to better manage your cash flow. This is where you have to make readjustments. Some of your expenses are clearly unnecessary, and you will do well to make firm decisions, especially during the last two months of 2012. The only pitfall to avoid is to share your generosity with those who don’t deserve it!

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1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006


This year will reveal new things in your life, along with needed changes. Your boldness will help you to take advantage of the pivotal role good luck can take. You will often be the initiator of new situations for those around you. Your spontaneous impulses are stronger than usual, and the reactions of those close to you push you in the right direction.


Your love life looks good from the beginning of the year. Your way of loving becomes more intense, and you express yourself both easily and directly. Your courage will be instrumental in bringing about success. Enjoy the calm in order to strengthen your existing relationships. You can overcome many obstacles this year by the sheer force of your will and by the expression of your most authentic wishes. If you are single, romantic connections will be the most intense in March and October 2012.


You will make plenty of advances in your financial affairs this year. Your actions will have a direct impact on your finances—especially in April and August. It’s time now to look towards stability. The alignment of the stars indicates the possibility of a change in status. Learn about the opportunities available in your situation.

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1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007


Changes for the better in all directions come to you spontaneously this year. You will grow in all areas and get rid of the ghosts of the past once and for all. The situations you struggled with last year will improve this year. You enjoy your success and overcome the nostalgia that hindered your past efforts.


Your emotional life will play out quickly this year. You will feel almost obliged to get more in tune with your partner. Your idea of love is enriched by internal questions that will allow you to make your lifestyle match your ideals. If your love life is currently complicated, you will be able to put things in perspective. If you are single now, you will soon be able to take part in meetings of a passionate nature.


You will experience great success in your financial endeavors for the first four months of the New Year. Your vision of your own situation will become clear. You will find out how to increase your revenue, especially through your hard work. It’s time to ask for a raise! You will need to be vigilant starting in October when it comes to the handling of your papers and your cash. Don’t get distracted!

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~Year of the Dragon~


Those people born in the Year of the DragonThe Year of the Dragon starts on January 23, 2012. In the Chinese Zodiac, the Dragon occupies the fifth position. It is also the only animal sign in the Chinese zodiac, which is mythical.People born in 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, and 2000, were born during the Year of the Dragon, as well as those who will be born in 2012. The Dragon can be linked to the five elements of metal, water, wood, fire, and earth. Metal Dragons (1940 and 2000) can symbolize strength, Water Dragons (1952 and 2012) are calm, Wood Dragons (1904 and 1964) are creative, Fire Dragons (1916 and 1976) are quick tempered, and Earth Dragons (1928 and 1988) represent rationality.

Character traits of the Dragons can be dominance, ambition, idealism, and perfectionism. They can be stubborn, intelligent and dramatic, caring, and sensitive, as well as movers and shakers. Of course, they are also moneymakers and highly successful in the professions they have chosen to pursue.Dragons like to be the center of attention. Those born under the Year of the Dragon make good diplomats, inventors, politicians, artists, lawyers, managers, sales people, architects, engineers, and talk-show hosts.

Who are some of the famous people born under the sign of the Dragon? Well, such noted historical figures such as Sigmund Freud, Salvador Dali, Joan of Arc, Florence Nightingale, and Susan B. Anthony.

The list of entertainers born under the Dragon sign includes Mae West, John Lennon, Bruce Lee, Al Pacino, Courtney Cox, Calista Flockhart, Fats Domino, Liam Neeson, Gregory Peck, James Garner, Martin Sheen, Mary Louise Parker, Matt Dillon, Raquel Welch, Reese Witherspoon, Sandra Bullock, and Shirley Temple.

The Year of the Dragon – The Year of Wealth

The Year of the Dragon is known as the Year of Wealth. The Dragon’s best asset is its luck and this luck helps people tremendously to succeed in any projects they undertake.

The Chinese celestial Dragon symbolizes potent and benevolent power. Dragons are ancient, majestic, wise, and intelligent, and Dragon years are considered particularly auspicious for new business, marriage, and children. Dragon years also tend to boost individual fortunes and the world economy. The Year of the Dragon is lucky for anyone thinking of starting a new business or initiating a new project of any sort because money is easier to come by for everyone in a Dragon year, whether it’s earned, borrowed, or received as a gift. People will be happy to learn that they can expect the economic downturn to ease up a bit in 2012, and that fortunes can definitely be made in this exciting 2012 Year of the Dragon.

For those of you born in the Year of the Dragon, best wishes for a healthy, wealthy and prosperous New Year.

What will The New Year of 2012 Bring?



What will The New Year of 2012 Bring?

What can we expect with the New Year? Each New Year brings its own set of natural phenomena that’s activated by the alignment of the planets and the positioning of the stars. Many people have been speculating about what the end of the Mayan Calendar in December of 2012 will mean for the human race. Will the world come to an end?

Serious Astrologers do not believe that the world will end in 2012. In fact, many scholars believe the end of the Mayan Calendar will mark the beginning of a new-found enlightenment for the human race.

The stars and certain astrological developments offer predictions of positive periods of fascinating growth. It seems that most Astrologers agree it will be a year of change in human consciousness. Neptune will play a significant role in February, when it enters Pisces. This will be a time of much artistic creativity and activity, particularly for those working in the visual arts, literature, poetry, and music.

Neptune in Pisces may also focus on the element of water and its importance to us. It can symbolize excess and scarcity, as well as flooding and droughts, reminding us how to use and value this precious commodity.

On May 20th, we will see a Solar Eclipse and on June 4th, we will see the accompanying Lunar Eclipse.

By late September, Uranus and Pluto are in square (at 90-degree angles) to each other. This symbolizes upheaval and change, which may foreshadow major political developments and shifting alliances. With the important Presidential election in November of 2012, how will the September planetary activity affect the outcome?

One very significant occurrence that will happen on December 21, 2012, at 11:11 p.m., is that for the first time in 26,000 years, the Sun will be aligned with the center of the Milky Way. How will the energy that streams to Earth from the Milky Way affect us? We will just have to be patient and wait to see what the affects of this powerful energy will have on us all.

What about the old Mayan Calendar ending in December of 2012? Is it really an indicator of the apocalypse? There is much discussion on the significance of this event that will take place on December 21, 2012. Basically, this date marks the end-date of a 5,125-year-long cycle in the Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar.

However, most professional scholars dismiss all the apocalyptic predictions, pointing out that no doomsday predictions exist in extant ancient Mayan accounts. And as was noted earlier, many scholars believe the calendar’s ending actually will mark the beginning of a positive period of new-found enlightenment.

Finally, towards the end of the year, we will see another set of eclipses. The Winter Solstice on December 21, 2012, may be a period of healing and compassion, resulting in a positive end to a very dramatic year. At least that’s what we can whole-heartedly hope for with the end of the New Year.


How Do YOU Define Success?


How Do YOU Define Success?

How YOU define success is very specific to you. That’s because success is based on our dreams and aspirations. While we may want success in all areas of life, our ability to hanker down and focus in on one particular goal is what increases our chances of actually getting it. So, it is best if we commit to one goal and put our energy in that direction, and that goal should potentially take us where we want to go. It is important to be clear about the kind of success we want. Some of us are taken with Material Success. While others strive for Personal Success or success in our private life, and then there is also Professional Success.


In our culture, Material Success is certainly the most visible or desirable of the three. Material desires can be the accumulation of money, wealth and possessions such as homes, cars, gold, and other material things. For many material success means power and influence, the key to attracting others, the way to impress others.

Personal Success is the success attained in your private life and intimate relationships. This type of success can be the most spiritually rewarding and can translate into a serene and balanced family life, meaningful familial relationships, a beautiful and nurturing home, all which provide feelings of comfort and joy. Or it can also mean an active social life, one filled with many friendships. For some people, the strongest psychic bonds are those between friends. Friendship can lead to a beautiful and loving relationship for a lifetime and result in spiritual bliss.

Professional Success is the success attained in a job, profession, vocation and/or avocation. You may seek a certain position in your company or aspire to obtain a certain goal or recognition in your area of expertise. You may also have a professional approach to a hobby or an interest. No matter what profession you choose, as long as you are happy with your work, you have achieved something very precious.

Ideas about success can vary greatly amongst individuals, so being actively conscious of your personal drive for success is essential if you want to move forward. Your pursuit of your ideal success is propelled by emotional energy that helps direct you down the right path. When used in a constructive manner, this energy is like a powerful talisman. Figure out what you want and go after it. It is one of the important things you can do for yourself. The alignment of your dreams and drives are what will bring you all the happiness, harmony, joy in life and prosperity that you will ever want and need.